AmCAT Version
This page describes a feature in AmCAT 3.4
View other version: 3.3 - 3.4 - 3.5

In order to use the AmCAT Navigator you need to create an AmCAT account.

Creating an AmCAT account[edit]

Figure 2.2 - AmCAT Navigator 3 Registration Form.jpg

To create an AmCAT account you go to This brings you to the AmCAT login screen. You can create your AmCAT account by clicking on 'Create a New Account'. You are presented with a registration form. Choose a username, and fill out your first name, last name and email address. Select the language of your preferences and select a theme, that is, what the background in AmCAT will look like. Next, you click the 'Register' button. AmCAT will send you an email confirming your username and providing you with a password. Using this username and password, you can now login to AmCAT.

Changing your password (or other user details)[edit]

Figure 2.3 - AmCAT Navigator 3 Account Details.jpg

After your registration, AmCAT sends you an email with your username and password. You are recommended to change your password as soon as possible. To change your password, first log in into AmCAT. This brings you to the AmCAT homepage. In the upper right corner, your username is displayed with a small arrow pointing down. To change your password, you click on this arrow and select 'Account details'. The new page shows you your user details, which you can change here. Click 'Change Password'. Here, you enter your old password and new password. Click 'Change My Password'. You can now log in with the same username and your new password.

Forgot AmCAT username or password[edit]

If you forgot your AmCAT username or password, you can fill out a form to recover your credentials. Go to the AmCAT login screen. Below the 'Create a New Account' button you can find 'If you forgot your username or password use this form'. Click on the blue word 'this'. You are directed to the credentials recovery form. Fill in the email address you used to create your AmCAT account and click on the 'Recover' button. AmCAT will send you an email with your username and a link to create a new password.

AmCAT Version
This page describes a feature in AmCAT
View other version: 3.3 - 3.4 - 3.5