AmCAT Version
This page describes a feature in AmCAT 3.4
View other version: 3.3 - 3.4 - 3.5

The creator of a project, the project owner, can perform all management tasks, such as deciding which other users are part of the projects and which level of access they have. Project creators themselves have the highest level of access, admin. The table on the bottom of the page summarizes all different levels of access (user roles).

To add users to the project or change their roles (including their removal from the project), first select the project for which you want to make these changes. At the top of the project page you find a tab called 'Advanced' that brings up a dropdown menu when you click on it. Click on the ‘Users’ option (see the screenshot to the right).


Adding or removing users, or changing their role, all works in the same way. Select the user(s) you want to add, remove or change roles for from the ‘User’ window on top, select their (new) role, including ‘remove from project’ from the dropdown list right to ‘Role’, and click ‘Modify User(s)’. By holding Ctrl or Shift when selecting users, you can select multiple users at once, and change their role at the same time. AmCAT uses the following user roles:

User role User rights
Metareader Metareaders can access all project resources (coding jobs, coding schemas, codebooks) and can query the articles in the project. They cannot change anything within the project and they cannot see the full texts of any articles in the projects. This role is typically given to guests, AmCAT users who are not part of the project.
Reader Readers can access all project resources and can query the articles in the project. They have access to the full text of the articles in the project. They cannot change anything within the project. This role is typically given to coders.
Read/write Readers/writer gives full access to the project, including the rights to change or delete coding jobs, coding schemes, codebooks or articlesets. However, users with this role cannot change user roles within the project.
Admin Administrators have full access to the project, including the right to change user roles.
AmCAT Version
This page describes a feature in AmCAT
View other version: 3.3 - 3.4 - 3.5