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AmCAT Version |
This page describes a feature in AmCAT 3.4 |
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ENTER Figure 3.1
Logging in to AmCAT brings you to the AmCAT home page. You can access and manage your AmCAT projects by clicking on 'Manage Projects'. Here all your AmCAT projects are stored. You can choose to list either your 'Active Projects', your 'Archived Projects' or 'All Projects' by clicking on these tabs (see Figure 3.1). AmCAT displays your active projects by default, listing all the AmCAT projects you are currently working on. This list is empty for a new user, but you can create a new AmCAT project.
To create a new AmCAT project you go to the AmCAT home page and click on 'Manage Projects'. In the upper left corner you find the button '+ Create Project'. Clicking on this button directs you to a form where you can create a new project (see Figure 3.2). Enter the name and the description of the project, mark the project either as active or not, and select the role of project guests (i.e. AmCAT users that are not a member of the project). Click 'Save' to save your new AmCAT project.
ENTER Figure 3.2
After saving your new AmCAT project, you are directed to your new project page. This page looks very similar to the project management page, but rather than your projects, this is the place where your project article sets are stored. Again, this list is empty for a new user, but you can create a new Article set.
ENTER Figure 3.3
The creator of a project, the project owner, can perform all management tasks and decide which other users have permission to an AmCAT project and with what rights (called User role). To manage the project users, you select the AmCAT project in the project manager. At the top of the AmCAT project page you find a tab called 'Settings' with a small arrow pointing down to the right. Click on this arrow and select 'Users'. This brings you to the page where you can add, remove or modify AmCAT users (see Figure 3.3). The AmCAT users currently involved in this project are listed, including their user role. Above this list, AmCAT allows you to add users to the project. Type in the name of the AmCAT user you want to add to the project in the 'Select options' field and select the relevant username(s) from the list that appears once you start typing in this field. When you have selected the right AmCAT user(s) you specify the user role(s). Click on the box after 'Role' and a dropdown list appears. Select the role(s) you want to assign to the new project user(s).
User role | User rights |
Metareader | Metareaders can (...) |
Reader | Readers can (...) |
Read/write | Readers/writers can (...) |
Admin | Administrators can (...) |