AmCAT Version
This page describes a feature in AmCAT 3.3
View other version: 3.3 - 3.4 - 3.5

Codingjobs in AmCAT consist of a unitschema (a coding scheme for sentence codings) and an articleschema (a coding scheme for article codings) that are linked to an articleset and assigned to a coder.


Go to ‘Coding Jobs’ in the ‘Coding’ dropdown menu, and there click on ‘New codingjob’ to create a new codingjob. If you haven’t created a unitschema and an articleschema yet, create these first.

In this screen, you can name the codingjob, assign unit- and articleschema, coder and articleset. If you use a particularly large articleset, you can divide it over multiple codingjobs. These are all assigned to one coder, but you can change this later (see below). Enter the amount of articles for each codingjob under ‘Job size’.

Note that every codingjob needs both an articleschema and a unitschema. If you want to use only one type of codings, create an empty coding scheme for the other type and use this to create to the codingjob.

Editing codingjobs[edit]

After the codingjob is saved, you can select it again from the overview in the ‘Coding Jobs’ screen. This brings you to an overview of this codingjob that shows the ID, the coder, the article- and unitschema. The table in the lower part of the screen lists the articles included in the job. Click the edit settings button in this screen to change the coding schemes or the coder.

If you are dealing with a large project, first create multiple coding jobs at once from a large articleset, and then change the coder for each job to distribute the jobs among different coders.


Now that you have created codingjobs, you can start coding!

When all coding is finished, return to the overview in the 'Coding Jobs' screen to download coding results so you can analyze the codings outside of AmCAT.

AmCAT Version
This page describes a feature in AmCAT
View other version: 3.3 - 3.4 - 3.5