After creating a new (empty) coding scheme, you can add variables to it. You do so in the codingschema editor.

Edit codingschema2.png

Click on ‘Add field’ to add a new variable. Doubleclick on a cell, for example the cell ‘New Field (0)’ above, to change its contents. Press ‘tab’ to jump to the next cell in the table.

In the codingschema editor:

  • Label is the label of the variable that coders see in the annotator, for example ‘Topic’.
  • If a variable is Required, coders cannot finish coding the article in the Annotator without entering a value for this variable.
  • Fieldtype is the type of variable. AmCAT uses the following variable types:

- Text: coders can enter text freely

- Number: coders can enter numbers freely

- Codebook: coders can choose from predefined answer categories

- Yes/no: this type of variable appears as a box that coders can tick or leave empty

- Quality: a numerical variable with the values -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5 and 1.

  • Codebook has to be defined when the variable type is codebook. A codebook in AmCAT is a list of answer categories (learn how to create codebooks).

In the codebook column, you select which codebook you use for this particular variable.

  • Clicking on the red garbage bin icon removes a variable from the list.
  • Save, and your codingschema is done. You can always edit a codingschema later. Schemas for article codings and for sentence codings are created in the same way.
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