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AmCAT Version
This page describes a feature in AmCAT 3.4
View other version: 3.3 - 3.4 - 3.5

Coding on the sentence level – for coding individual sentences or parts of sentences within a document -- works much the same as on the article level. Again, you fill out coding fields for each variable, and it depends on the type of variable what you can enter in each field.

However, for sentence codings, the coding fields look like a table, where the different variables are listed in the columns. Each row represents a sentence or unit to code. At first, the sentence codings field is empty, save for one row of empty cells. In the first column, you pick the corresponding sentence number for each sentence you code. These sentence numbers are shown in the text on the right side of the screen. When you enter a sentence number, AmCAT will display the corresponding sentence above the current row of coding fields, so you can code it more easily. Use tab and shift + tab to move between coding fields, and ↓ or ↑ to select a value from a list for codebook variables.


When you are at the end of the last row in the coding fields table, tab adds a new row, so you can continue coding quickly.

Some other shortcuts for sentence codings:

  • Shift + ↓ : Copy the current row.
  • Ctrl + ↓: Add a new row.
  • Ctrl + Shift + ↓: Add a new row with the number of the next sentence.
  • Ctrl + Shift + d: Remove the current row.

Note that you cannot save sentence codings when the sentence number field (the first column) is left empty for one or more rows.

AmCAT Version
This page describes a feature in AmCAT
View other version: 3.3 - 3.4 - 3.5